About Gus Campbell

A little bit about myself.

School was great in Edinburgh but I was sure that I didn't want a job that would keep me tied to a desk. Luckily getting my first camera, a Zenith 80 pointed the way forward. That said with the arrival of digital I do spend more time at my computer, often till late into the night working on images for delivery to clients with tight deadlines.

I''ve been working as a photographer all my working life, starting work after leaving college in Edinburgh before joining Baillie Marshall Advertising, a few years later as principal photographer. Here the work was extremely varied, one day you could be photographing shortbread for Walkers or Simmers, the next snapping aircraft for British Midland. Many clients and many briefs from the designers kept the photographic studio busy.

A couple of years later I moved into a large warehouse studio in Leith and worked on building my own client base. Working mostly with advertising and design groups, life was never dull. Alongside this work I became a trusted actors portfolio photographer producing what felt like nearly every portrait for the directory "Spotlight" to be done in Scotland.

My final years in Edinburgh I started to find more interest in photography that involved working with individuals and groups. This led on to great work with tourism, hotels and large events and conferences.
With my job I have been very fortunate to meet some interesting people along the way. I have been punched on the arm by Bill Clinton and nearly brought to the ground by an over committed CIA operative and even know a Hobbit!

Working with banks and insurance companies, event organisers and individuals. For the most part my larger clients came with me and a many still provide me with assignments. No regrets, whatsoever, apart from leaving my close friends, who I still chat with daily, ( Skype and endless mobile phone minutes ) but things are always moving on and I look forward to making more. Interests, finding out what's new, motorcycle touring and of course photography.



Home Copyright Gus Campbell Photography 2017
Copyright Gus Campbell Photography 2014